A Guide to Dealing with Redundancy


Being made Redundant? – Try not to panic

Being made redundant can be an emotional time and have a huge impact on your life so it’s important to stay calm and make a plan. Having counselled people over the years that have been made redundant it's often taken very personally, however in times like these it's important you don’t let those feelings define you. What is important now is how you tackle the situation you are faced with head-on; so we have put together a helpful list to get you started.

Look at your Finances

Firstly, make sure you have been paid everything you are entitled to by your employer, there is lots of help online that explains in clear terms your entitlements.

Now is the time to re-evaluate: Examine your monthly outgoings, is there anything you can cut back on or do without? Ensure your household bills are on the best tariffs they can be and talk to your finance providers ( mortgages, credit cards, loans) if you can’t meet any monthly payments and discuss your options.

What benefits are you entitled to? www.gov.uk has a useful benefits calculator which explains what you are entitled to claim, eligibility and how to make a claim, it is your right so make sure you use it!

Finally, have you got any future expenses in the pipeline, like holidays, parties etc? Can they be scaled back, or even cancelled? Again talk to the providers to check your options. You don’t want any future financial commitments to worry about.

Create a plan of attack to find a job

Now it is time to create a jobs search plan and stick to it. Think about the job you would like to do next and any transferable skills that will support you. It may be an opportunity for you to think about a career change if you have the luxury of time, however if it is vital you get a new role quickly then look where your strengths and experience lie and focus yourself there.

Research jobs online that you are interested in, focus on the job description and requirements for the role to ensure your skills fit. Then make a note of the job title as you may discount a title you don’t think relates to you. Then set up job alerts of interest and post your CV online so employers get to see you. Use Linkedin and social media to network and get the word out there you are looking, building contacts is essential.

Seek out as much advice as you can get, talk to Recruitment Consultants specific to the role you are looking for. Here at Prestige Recruitment Group our candidate database in interactive so you can manage your job expectations yourself and receive alerts when any new roles that come onto the market. Ensure you make time every day to invest in your plan of attack!

Time to Upskill?

Whilst you are searching for that new role take advantage of the many free short courses online. You may have been thinking you would like to do certain things you haven’t done before, or you need to brush up on things you haven’t done recently, so now could be the time.

When you are looking at new job roles evaluate your skillset against them, you may have lots of transferable skills for other roles or you may be lacking one particular thing. Upskilling can fill in the gaps and prove invaluable.

Ensure Your CV is up to date

Job applications are very much CV driven so it is vital yours looks its best. CV’s must be clear, accurate and concise, usually, a maximum of 2-3 pages is acceptable, ensuring it is easy to read.

One CV does not fit all! So make sure once you have a standard version you tailor your skills to the job description you are applying for to make it relevant. It's ok to add things in or take things out that aren’t relevant to a particular job but you must never invent things that are not true.

If it is the first time you have written a CV then there is lots of advice online, some with examples common to a particular industry. It can be daunting about where to start regarding layout, fonts and content but however you format it make sure you get it proofread prior to sending. For more advice on crafting your CV have a look at our blog The Ultimate Guide to Preparing Your CV

Cover letters …. some clients think they are essential some don’t however if you write one the same rules apply, make them clear, accurate and concise. They should be used in the main to highlight anything in particular that makes you stand out from the crowd regarding the job you are applying for.

Keep Calm, Carry On and Stay Positive …. Your job is redundant not you!

Being made redundant is an experience most people do not want but if it happens to you then how you react to it will make a big difference moving forward. You may feel like you have lost control of your work life but keeping positive, motivated and determined will help you to regain control. Make time each day to look at new jobs posted, network and tailor your CV for the jobs you apply for.

And finally …… stay calm and be patient, you may not get that new job the next day or the next week but you will at some point.

Good Luck

If you would like advice on all aspects of career advice, finding a new job and help with interviews have a look at our in-depth article How to Find a Job