Edward Ball


We asked Edward...

Who are you and what do you do? My name is Ed and I am the Creative Director for Prestige Recruitment Group, I head up marketing and all things creative!

What do you like about working for Prestige Recruitment Group? I like the comradery and openness of the business, as well as the positive company culture

What would your last meal be? Sushi!

What is your favourite film? Too many to mention, Blade Runner is my most watched

What is your most listened to music track? It's a tie, Goldie's Timeless - Morcheeba's Trigger Hippy - LTJ Bukem's Logical Progression B-Side.

What is one item you couldn’t live without if you were stranded on a desert island? Some form of music!!

What past or present famous person would you like to meet? Leonardo da Vinci.

What is your favourite place on earth? My art studio, preferably one in Venice or Barcelona.

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Chocolate.

Who is your favourite superhero? Batman.

Who is your favourite cartoon character? Scooby-Doo.

Are you a morning or night person? I used to be a night person, but now I’m a morning person!

If you could teleport, where would you go? Back in time to view the creation of the universe. It would answer a lot of questions!

Who is your most inspirational person? Gandhi.

Describe yourself in 4 words. Creative, passionate, inquisitive and healthy.


Angela Clayton


Francesca De La Cruz