How to..

The Best Way To Get An Internal Work Promotion - 9 Strategies

This is an image of a person shaking hands as they have just received a promotion. This image is the 'head image to the blog post titled 'The Best Way To Get An Internal Work Promotion - 9 Strategies'. In this blog post, we go over all the Strategies

Many people believe that promotions are a natural part of working and they will happen automatically. Although this may be the case for some people, most people will have to work towards their promotions and not leave it to chance.

If you are focused on a bigger salary or a better job title then being a valuable member of a business is your first mission, demonstrating you have the potential to be a great manager and leader is your second. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of things you should consider in order to climb the promotional ladder of success!

The reality is that ascending the career ladder requires proactive effort, strategic planning, and continuous personal development. Achieving a promotion often means significantly more than just a pay rise; it's a recognition of your value to the organisation and a testament to your potential as a leader and innovator within the business.

1- Know Your Goal

It is vital that you know your own personal goals so you can work towards achieving them. If you fully understand where you want to go and how you can get there, you can work at developing the skills and knowledge you need. You can do this by looking at job descriptions and information about the role you would like to aim for, ensuring you have all the abilities that are listed as essential for that role.

Understanding your career aspirations is paramount. Begin by thoroughly analysing the role you aim to secure in the future. Examine job descriptions and role requirements to identify the skills and experiences deemed essential. This insight will not only guide your professional development but also help you tailor your contributions to your current role, ensuring they align with your long-term objectives. Remember, clarity in your career goals is akin to having a roadmap; it directs your efforts and keeps you focused on the journey ahead.

2- Continue Learning & Developing

If you are offered the chance to go on a course or there are opportunities for professional development, be sure to take them! You can also take things into your own hands and broaden your skills with something like a Linkedin Learning course. Also, why not look at open university courses too and get some solid qualifications along the way! Make sure your manager or employer knows what you are doing and why. If your employer sees you are working towards a workplace goal with continued learning, they will be more inclined to fast-track you as you are showing a commitment to improving yourself. If you work hard at ensuring all your skills are the best they can possibly be, you are more likely to be considered for a promotion.

The landscape of industry and commerce is ever-evolving, necessitating a commitment to lifelong learning. Seize every opportunity for professional development, whether it's industry-specific courses, workshops, or the above mentioned broader educational pursuits. Highlight your learning initiatives to your employer, showcasing your dedication to personal growth and your ambition to advance within the company. Demonstrating your investment in your professional development can significantly enhance your visibility and position you as a prime candidate for promotion.

3- Get The Basics Right

In order to be taken seriously for any promotions within your workplace, you must do a great job within your current role. You should work your hardest to get excellent performance reviews and be known as an employee that performs ‘above average’ in all areas. Your reputation can really help or hinder your chances of promotion so make sure you get a positive one by doing all the basics well, including things like attendance and punctuality. Being positive and happy goes a long way too, all these things may seem small, but put all of them together and your manager is more likely to consider you for the next step.

Excellence in your current role is the foundation upon which your aspirations for promotion rest. Strive to exceed expectations in all facets of your job, from project execution to collaborative efforts with your team. Attendance, punctuality, and a positive demeanour are fundamental, yet they significantly impact your reputation within the workplace. A consistently high performance and a proactive approach to challenges will set you apart as a reliable and invaluable member of the team.

4- Give Recognition And Help to Others

Don't just talk about a good game for yourself, recognise other great colleagues and give them recognition too. Companies usually like to promote people who are motivated and who can motivate others. Also, if people in your team need help and support and you have the time, offer it to them. This is a great way of showing your employer that you go above and beyond what is expected of you. These types of traits and actions show you are a helpful team player, that you are inclusive not self-absorbed, demonstrating you are likely to be a good manager in the future.

The ability to uplift and recognise the contributions of your colleagues is a hallmark of leadership. Foster a culture of appreciation and support within your team, offering assistance where needed. This not only enhances team morale but also demonstrates your capacity for empathy and leadership. Such qualities are often sought after in candidates for promotion, as they indicate an individual's potential to manage and inspire a team effectively.

5- Make Managers Jobs Easier

As well as helping your colleagues, extend this to your supervisors' and managers' too. Look at their working days and see if there is anything you can help them with. Try taking some of their concerns off their shoulders to help with the workload. Choose wisely so tasks don't impinge on you finishing your own, maybe something easy to complete that you know your manager just doesn’t like to do! Lending a hand shows you have empathy, workload awareness and helpfulness. You will soon become a valuable asset to them in their everyday work schedule and this has the potential to elevate you over others when it comes to promotions.

This initiative not only showcases your versatility and commitment but also your understanding of the broader business challenges. By aligning your efforts with the objectives of your supervisors, you cement your status as an indispensable asset to the team.

6- Network

Get involved! Attend parties and other networking events to ensure that you are engaged and connected with people in your company. Also, look at external networking events that have people attending with direct relationships to your company and managers. There is nothing like being positively mentioned by someone outside of the company! If this would be hard for you to do, as not all people are naturally outgoing, remember you actually don’t need to be physically present! There are plenty of courses (Linkedin Learning again!) on how to network online that will take the fear out of doing this, offering great strategies to use within a networking environment. After all, would you try a parachute jump without some courses first?! The more you push yourself to do networking, the more it becomes easier to do over time! This is all about recognition and the more you are recognised, the more people talk about you. Managers are more likely to give a position to someone they recognise, who they know directly or by distant reputation, over a random applicant they do not really know. A lot of people do not realise that familiarity is a strong key to success.

Networking, both within and outside your organisation, is a powerful tool for career advancement. Engage in company events, industry seminars, and online forums to build connections and increase your visibility. Remember, networking is not just about making contacts; it's about building meaningful relationships that can open doors to opportunities and endorsements.

7- Communication Skills

Getting promoted eventually means managing more people, so great communication skills are essential. Get this right from the start, do your research on how to communicate with different types of people and get the best from those communications. Go on a communication course, do some research on the subject and why not read the classic book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People? You won't regret it!! If you are going to rise the ladder of promotion you will need to raise your game on communication and relationship building!

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful leadership. It's imperative to hone your ability to convey ideas clearly, listen actively, and motivate others. Mastering the art of communication will not only aid in your current role but is essential for any leadership position you aspire to in the future.

8- Be Prepared To Ask

Some people may be automatically promoted, but this is not always the case and do not leave it to chance. Be prepared to speak to your manager about how you feel and how you want to progress. Communicating with the person who is likely to give you a reference for a new role or actually be the decision-maker is key. Be prepared to have that conversation, ask how you could improve for future roles and be prepared to receive honest feedback. See any highlighted issues as positive and take their comments on board, working to improve in any areas they suggest. Whilst you may think you are doing well, your manager may have hesitations in certain areas. By being aware of these and showing improvement it sends out positive signals, you now have sorted out a problem that potentially could have held you back without you even knowing it was a problem in the first place. Also, you are now placing your manager in a mentor type of role which can have a real positive effect on your relationship with them. You now have an upper hand over people that have not asked for their advice.

9- Follow The Application Process

Although you may have worked in the company for a long time, it is likely that any vacancies will be advertised on the Internet and external candidates will apply. Ensure that your CV and references are up to date, so you aren’t surprised if your manager asks you to apply through the usual application process. Create a cover letter that illustrates all the work you have already done for the company and why you are looking for a promotion. Once you’ve done all this, you are ready to go!


Promotions are great things, they keep you energised with new challenges . They usually come with a pay increase and if you keep reaching for consecutive promotions, step by step you will be astounded where you can reach. Just keep open-minded, positive, have a thirst for learning and improving and you will succeed. We have another great blog about this that is worth checking out - ‘How to Promote Yourself at Work’, give it a read, it is worth it! Best of luck with your journey! If you need help preparing for interviews, or updating your cv, be sure to check out our other blogs and articles below.

Some Blogs & Articals:

The Top 10 Interview Questions You Should ALWAYS Prepare For!

Research You Should Consider Before An Interview

Ultimate Guide to Preparing your CV

What makes a good and bad CV?

How To Completely Nail Your Zoom, Skype or any other Video Conferencing Interview!

Ultimate Guide to Getting Your Dream Job

How to Find a Job




How to Organise Your Workspace (& Yourself!)

How to Organise Your Workspace (& Yourself!) jpg

Do you ever find yourself spending longer than necessary trying to find a certain file? Do you often spend ages searching through all the paper on your desk just to find the stapler you swear you just had? If the answer to either of these questions is ‘yes’, you aren’t being as productive as you can be.  

Prestige Recruitment Group understand the importance of being productive – which is why we’ve written five top tips to help you organise your office workspace, which in turn, organises you.

1)  Delete. Bin. Purge.

The first thing you should do when organising yourself is completely purge your workspace. If you have tonnes of paper files hanging around your desk and clogging up your draws, it’s absolutely imperative that you throw out (or recycle!) as much as you can.

Our advice for this is:

  • If you haven’t touched something in the last six months, recycle it.

  • If you have two copies of one file, recycle one.

  • If you have electronic copies of the documents that are taking space up on your desk, recycle them!

As well as physical copies, be sure to work through your electronic documents too. Have the same document twice? Delete one! We often save files more than once with titles such as ‘Spreadsheet New,’ ‘Spreadsheet New New’ and this really isn’t necessary! Delete your old files so everything on your computer is updated and relevant.

Getting rid of unnecessary documents and papers will give you more space to think and means that you will be able to find the documents you actually need much quicker.

2)  Organise The Things You’re Keeping

So now you’ve deleted everything you don’t need, which means you have a clearer head – fabulous. Now, you need to organise the files and documents that you’re keeping. This includes digital documents as well as physical copies.

On your computer, use folders! Colour-code them if you can. Make sure every item has a folder and a place so that you can easily find the certain document you need when it comes to it. Rename any documents you have that might be misleading.

It might also be a good idea to sort through your emails and organise everything into folders within outlook too. A great way to organise things this way is to empty your inbox by sorting each completed task/email into a separate folder – this way, you can see what you need to do as it’s sat in your inbox!

Once you’ve organised your documents into folders, make sure that you back up all of your documents onto a memory stick or hard drive, or use an online system like dropbox or a cloud! Going forward, you should get into the habit of backing up your files every evening so that you won’t lose everything if your computer breaks.

With physical documents, you may want to sort the paperwork that you have into different coloured folders for each month. This makes it easier to trace back to documents that you may need in the future.

3)  Develop a Labelling System

Linking into organising your existing files, you should also come up with a thorough labelling system. It’s imperative that you format all of your documents a certain way, as this will make it easier when it comes to finding a file that you need. A great way to do this is to label each document with the month you are creating it and a title, which thoroughly describes what’s exactly in the document. There isn’t actually one linear way you should do this, but ensure whatever labelling system you use is easily maintained.

By having a labelling system, you will be able to find documents easily without having to worry about what you might have called it. This means you’re wasting less time trying to find what you called those reports!

4)  Make a Schedule

The best way to stay organised at work is to write everything down that you need to do and stick it into a calendar. This way you know exactly how many things you need to do a day, and it will stop unproductivity. When you are more organised with your time, more things get done.

Write agenda’s or lists of people you need to call back and add that list to your schedule for the day. Tick things off once you’ve completed them, because it will make you feel more productive, which actually makes you more productive!

5)  Ritualise Your Day

Linking slightly to our previous point, it is vital that you have a schedule that fits into a ritualised day. If your job allows, only check your emails two/three times a day as this ensures that you don’t get distracted every time a mailer or unimportant email comes through and flashes up on your screen.

Having an organised workspace isn’t a one-and-done thing; it is something that should be maintained every day in order to ensure you stay on top of things. Devote 15 minutes a day to go through all your documents from the day and check everything is organised and where it should be. If you haven’t had a chance to sort through your papers throughout the day, do it before you go home. This way, every morning, you have already sorted all your documents, emails and information. This ensures a clean, fresh, organised start and you can start being productive immediately.

When you decide to get organised, some things may take slightly longer, especially if you have a backlog of information that needs sorting. Don’t expect organisation to be an overnight fix - you have to work at it. Once you have sorted it, it should be easy to maintain. If you're interested in the importance of your workspace, check out our other blog 'The Digital Workspace and the Physical Workplace.'